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Sunday, January 30, 2011 Y 2:21 AM

I just manage to finish SOME of my homework...-.-

Friday- I finished my maths homework (tried hard to)
Saturday- CIP from morning till 3+pm. Went to my grandma's house from 4pm-11.30pm for reunion dinner


Woke up at 6+ just to go for church. After church, practice piano for 2hrs. Had lunch. Went for piano lesson and finally sat down. So after that, I started doing my homework...Physics was kinda...I don't know...Not finished? Reason being I don't understand anything at all.

Not a single thing.

And I'm freaking serious about it :( And to make it worse, tomorrow there's Physics = More information dumping = not understand more stuff = getting more confused = cannot do homework = get scolding + failing test = Depression

See how high my possibility to get depression. Especially when this does not only occur in Physics ONLY.


Okay, I just managed to finish Bio ws. And I just realised I still haven't finish my spa ws. As usual, I don't understand a single thing. So what am I suppose to do...?:(

Later, I think I'll start on my Bio SPA ws. Though he said he'll go through it first, I think he only meant a few questions which means I will need to do the rest. Haiz.

And Lit. Omg. Lit. The damn video we are suppose to make. It's due on week 7 and guess what? My group haven't even started on anything yet =.= And to my utmost horror, there's gonna be a lit test soon on the whole The Chrysalids when we haven't even analyse anything yet. He didn't even teach us anything and wants us to sit a test with it.

How awesome. =.=

Oh yeahh!!! And SS. Zzz. We are suppose to research for MUN eh? And tomorrow, I have SS already... I was thinking this isn't very important...But IT'S TOMORROW TOO!! Ahhhh!!!

My lit homework and SS is the one that I HATE THE MOST OF THE MOST.

Okay, many people ask how's Sec 3 life, and the answer is all the same. It's hell-ish. Imagine Sec 4...*shivers* okay, this sucks.


Ah well~ I shall go and bathe first~ :/

Friday, January 28, 2011 Y 6:19 AM

I'm slacking now for a bit... Started slacking at 9.45pm-10.20pm (now)
Okay fine...MAYBE it's a little more than a bit D: Ah well~~

So anyways, TODAY IS FRIDAY!!!TGIF!!! :D I've been looking forward to this day since the end of last Sunday. And I'm going to look forward to friday this Sunday again.

Eh no wait.

Next week is Chinese New Year 8D Half the week will be holiday :D:D:D
Oh yeah, and I'm excited for next Wed 8D
3 of my fellow classmates chinese scholars are coming to my house for reunion dinner~ Why?

Because their family is at China and they can't possibly be eating by themselves on Chinese New Year when they are Chinese right...It's like, one of the most important festivals for them. Maybe the most important one...

Ah well~ I would have brought more if my dining table and car could fit. But my dining table only left 3 more seats and my car also~ So yeah~~~ Excited :D I think they'll be super shock on how my house is so messy...If only I've moved house already~ Bleah

Okay, so as usual today is a normal school life. But not the most hectic one of course. Fridays were never hated :)

2) Lessons end earlier than 3
3) The lessons are more less slacker
4) Get to relax a little with homework...Maybe not :/

But yeah~ See how awesome Fridays are~ :D

Today after school, Rong Cheng, Alicia and I went to library to do homework. Okay, actually we came down during pure humans since my form teacer didn't allow us to go home at like...12.30pm?(the time when MY lessons actually end) So we did homework...And just the A Maths homework actually took up so many hours of my time...

I left at 3 =.=

Rong Cheng and I then went to Queenstown MRT station to eat Takoyaki and drink bubble tea xD (never eat lunch O:) Okay it was super funny xD I never knew Rong Cheng can be so weird and funny and crazy 8D Somehow I never ran short of words to talk to her. It was either she start or I start and we'll just start to do/say something stupid xD
Well, I hope it will remain like this... :/


Oh yeahhh.


Kay, now I'm happy :) I manage to convinve Gladys , Li Wei and Zhen Hui to come for Limelight :) That explains my PM ehh? :D But I have to admit, it was because of my tiny short solo that made them come -.- Okay, so in a way, solos are good (Y) :D

But sadly, cannot pass the ticket money tomorrow :( Have CIP from last year~~~ Will be missing band too and alumni combine practice O: I do want to find out who is Wan Ting and how do they all look like xD Ah well~I suppose I'll get a chance soon enough :)


My com is sick already :( It keeps on hanging on me...Bleah. And it's super scary :( If it dies, I'll die of boredom as well. My life will be...empty (in a way). And I forgot to send it to the hospital today. Wanted to send it to the TA during PHUM but then I forgot. Bleah.

So yeah~ It has never happened before O:
Okay I seriously think I have some sleeping problems...I actually fell asleep while typing the last sentence up there ^ O:

Ah well~ Back to homework (Standard but truthful ending from now on)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Y 3:46 AM

Now I know why Mun Yun's blog just gets deader and deader as the days go by...

Haiz. I think when I'm Sec 4, my blog will be dead.
Like, literally dead.
I won't even have a chance to surf the net :/

Anyways, today was fine. Other than fitt run. When I only got 4hrs + of sleep...Yeah. Awesome. -.- Very, very tired.
But tomorrow is A maths test.
And I don't even think I understand anything.
And I don't know why.

Because the teachers are too fast, the people in my class are too smart, or am I just plain stupid?
Probably the last one.

Oh yeah, my class is freaky. Like, really.

I could literally call it a nerd class.
Every morning when I go to school, the class is totally silent.
Because everyone was either doing work or reading their textbooks.
And I was like

During class, we have no reaction at all. Like, the literally, pay attention to class type.
But of course, if I don't pay attention, I'll lose out ALOT.
One thing though, even when I pay my fullest attention, I can't understand what the teacher is talking about -.-

And these days, I tend to day dream alot. I don't know why. I'm not even dreaming O:
I was listening to the teacher...
Than I stared hard on the screen...
And slowly I couldn't exactly hear what the teacher was saying...

And yeah, it was like that. :/ And it so happen that, it was always the important parts I miss =.=


Okay, I don't exactly know how to describe my stress...:/
Should I say, it's undescribable? (if there's such a word ~)

Ahhhhh!! I really don't knowwwww!!! All I know is, if I can shout out now without neighbours thinking I'm crazy, I will.

Sometimes I feel like I can't even breathe properly. I have to take like, deep deep breaths to keep myself. Is there a problem? :/

Anyways, tomorrow is marching day. And I seriously doubt 3hrs is enough for us to film it. I mean, we really suck at it. Not to mention PLAYING and MARCHING together. :(

But I guess I really like band. I mean, other than thinking of how you play the song, and some other stuff, you don't actually need to THINK about school.

Thinking about school seriously gives me a headache.
When I tell my mum, she thought it was because I bathe and wash my hair almost everyday in the morning =.=
Well, I suppose it was worse during the exam period.
The headache can literally split my head into half.

If Sec 2 was like that...Does it mean this year my head will be split into quaters? Okay, I don't know if I spell it right, but yeah, you get what I mean.


Another thing.

Limelight tickets.

It's super annoying.
Selling is one thing.
Fake people are another thing.

I really cant's stand them.
They are like " OHHHH REALLLY?!?!! OKAYYY I WANTTT TO GOO!!!!" when I ask them
And it got my hopes up.
2 days later, "OKAY I'M SO SORRRY!!! I DIDN'T KNOW I HAVE CCA THAT DAY!" (not from Crescent)

Oh yeah, does she think I'm dumb. You mean, being in your school for 2 years + and you don't know when's your cca? =.=


Also, I don't think we should post on Facebook anymore.
You know why?

Because people are starting to call us


And I hate that word.
Yeah right, like its out fault.
If they would come, do we actually need to ask them like despos??? =.=

I got so annoyed when I heard it. Zzz.
If I had a choice, I wouldn't even bother to ask.

Ah well~

I shall go back to my A maths.
I'm seriously worried.

Saturday, January 22, 2011 Y 2:55 AM

O.o I just realised I didn't update my blog for one week... School is too busy this days :/

Well...school life isn't exactly interesting but it's fine. Very stressful though :( And time seem to fly pass like nobody's business and I have A maths test next week.

Just great.

When I don't even understand the topic?


I'm really worried. Like, really. I hope everything could just stop for a while.
It's really getting on my nerves. Like, I really feel that I will go crazy soon. If the start of the year is already so stressful, how am I going to survive exams??? :(

Okay, I need to go back to my mugger mood :(

Saturday, January 15, 2011 Y 6:25 AM


I knew it wasn't easy, but I didn't expect it to be so DIFFICULT.

I knew finding a friend that knows you, understands you and supports you is like, extinct-ish. But, I don't know. I'm probably never born with that type of luck some people have.

Ah well~

It kind of disappoints me. Like, everytime it comes near than it gets my hopes up. And just a few words, a change of mind, and everything crashes on to me. I should learn how to stop my hopes from getting up eh.

Well, selling tickets for Limelight is difficult. Like, seriously.

1) Next day is Sec 4 common test
2) It's a mon night.
3) The ticket price are rather high
4) It's Valentine's Day

I know I know all these stuff really put people off. But I was hoping people would come. Like, my family for example. My father feels to lazy to go. My mum, well, I was wishing she can go but she gave me no reply. And well...I don't know.

To say the truth, I'm pretty envious of those people who can gather their friends to come and support them and giving them roses ♥O♥ etc etc~

Ah well.

As I said earlier, I'm just not born with it.

Okay, enough of complaining.

Next comes TODAY.

Started out with waking up early in the morning 5.50am because band requires us to fall in at 7.30pm thus we had to reach at 7.15am. It was horrible. I almost fell alseep while brushing my teeth.

Than, we started marching when we reach band *tired*

Went on to having sectionals~~~ Than we had combine for Incantation. Okay, I seriously get annoyed with the 4th part. Why? Because of 9 notes.


It's so annoying. The first 9 notes after presto -.- It's so much harder than the 3rd one bleah. Not to mention how my tonguing has a big big problem. :/

I would say, time passes fast on weekends. It just isn't fair. Hmph.

Sadly, I cannot stay to pack the section cupboard because had piano later on :( And I ended up going home alone because Janelyn and Yu Nwe is just simply TOO busy with their section stuff. Whatever~ Rui Ying cannot go home yet.Ji Tao didn't even come -.- And Sheryl went home by car.

So yeah.

But I met Alex, the JC 1 one, on the way home and she was going to school. And it was so awkward...Like, I said "Hi." And waved like when she was a few steps away from me and she waved back...After walking a few more steps, she was about to pass me...than I said "Bye."

Okay, it was so awkward.

But going home alone wasn't all that bad. It gave me time to think. And I do like peaceful thinking time.

Went home, had lunch, went for piano.

I actually didn't want to go Orchard. But I was thinking since I brought everything already, changed, and wouldn't get dinner if I stay at home, might as well go out. (Reason for not getting dinner was because my father wanted to bring the whole family to Vivo to collect my mum's repaired phone and have dinner there. Thus if I stayed at home, I would have no dinner.) Plus just look at the time, I would have just returned home if I went with my family.

So, met Dionnis, Cherie, Jia Wei and Gladys.

And we had a great time xD They were like talking about their ideal guy and I was like ... I mean, when it comes, it comes. Why think now eh? And we gossiped about teachers and so on~~~ I think the waiter was irritated with us because we took up a 6 seater table for 1hr + even though we finished our dinner like...half an hour? Who cares~ Who ask they charge GST so ex~~~

Sadly, Cherie had to leave :( So we might as well go too~ Gladys stayed at Taka to wait for her father. Then Cherie left. Left 3 of us we walked around Orchard for a while and soon Dionnis had to go so we all went together~~~

Yeah~ That's for today. Okay, this post is so long. Argh. Long-winded -.-

Friday, January 14, 2011 Y 6:33 AM

I feel like I'm dying soon.



This whole week was so tiring.

Especially yesterday. It was the worst. And because yesterday was the worst, Wed was the busiest. And today, it was...desperate, I would say. Okay, I don't think that's the right word but yeah you get my drift.

Okay, so on Wed. I had something on and only reached home at 9+pm. I started doing my homework at 10pm. And how great it was. -.-

1) I had Physics homework.
2) Biology homework
3) Chem homework
4) A maths homework.
5) E maths homework
6) English homework.
7) 37 pages of SS to read.
8) Chinese compo tomorrow.
9) Maths test tomorrow

So I didn't know where to start. All homework was required to be done tomorrow. All test was tomorrow too.

Thus, I just died.
But of course, I didn't finish everything. I'll be Super-Sherlene if I did. Luckily the next day I have PHUM at the first period which = free period.

So I tried my very best to do stuff. But I just ended up revising for my maths.

Which didn't help judging by the number of questions I didn't finish. Okay, it's 2 questions okay. TWO. And the most annoying thing is, my last question, I left my ANSWER that I haven't finish write. Zzzz. =.=

And the day was so hectic I didn't manage to eat my recess and my lunch. I suprisingly survived without food from 6am-3.30pm.

Recess was used for Physics.
Lunch...I didn't even have time to do stuff.

And my lessons end at 2.30pm. And I have extra class of PHYSICS from 2.30pm-3.30pm. Like great. =.= Only after that, I manage to gobble down a chicken pau and cake before rushing for band.

Today, no, the day wasn't as hectic.


The books I had to lug home.

I almost felt like I'll die of OVERLOADING.

I had to bring A maths textbook home, Physics practical book, Chem practical, Bio wb + a TPC.

Then (edited :D), I was carrying my lunch. The sauce spilled. To make it worse, there was a hole at the bottom -.-

I had to lug everything to Westmall just to return a damn story book that's due today and to buy a pathetic correction tape refiller. It was so annoying. Than I had so many things on my hands with only 2 hands to carry.

And, when I was on my way home, I heard someone calling me. I think she know me. Like, she was trying to remember my name. She was like shouting "Sheryl! Sheryl! Shery...lyn...Sheryl!!! Sherlene!" And her friends were laughing at her.

But when I turned back, I don't find any one of them familiar so I just ignored them.

They felt too..noisy-ish which made me irritated. Who cares~

So back to story. When I reached the bus stop, I clumsily tumbled out of the bus and when I was walking halfway to my house, it started to rain.


But since I was reaching home, I didn't bother.
And when I thought I finally reached safely home, at my corridor, the rain + wind suddenly became so strong, I became totally drenched.

Yay. -.-

Not to mention a whole stack of homework.

If Sec 3 START OF THE YEAR is already like this...how am I going to survive Sec 4? :(

Okay back to work~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Y 1:43 AM

Well...I wouldn't say today started well.

What, with me waking up 1hr later than my usual time. It's ONE HOUR okay!!! Reason being, my father somehow overslept(this is the first time he woke overslept so much) and didn't wake me up. It was my mum who woke me up when she woke up. It's not that I didn't have an alarm clock...it was just that, my mum broke the habit of setting the earth-alarming-ring alarm clock.

So, I should set my own nice-and-won't-give-you-a-heart-attack alarm clock from my phone.

Any-oh-ways~ I wasn't late luckily, because I brushed my teeth with my SUPER BRUSH (15min cut down to 5min) Awesome right? I know I know ^^ I got ready within 8mins...

My father than fetched me to the Chinese Garden mrt~~~ Haziyah waited for me and I can tell that she was...irritated :O I feel bad too...:(

Okay, so after reaching school, than of course, school life (like the usual) started. But of course, there was good news 8D

WE GET TO HAVE HALF DAY OFFFFFFFFFF ONE DAYY!!! Thanks to our loving and great and awesome and fantastic

SEC 4s'10 ^^

who got such good results. :) As such, it became a motivation for me to work hard. I...of course I hope I can get 6 marks :/ Get on to newspaper~~~ *dreams and drools*



Sunday, January 9, 2011 Y 3:17 AM

I'm back here again.

Progress? 2 questions -.-

I don't know why. But, I just, I don't know.

School doesn't feel real. In the bad way.

Band is alright.
Band is fine.


Because during band, I feel that I am still in holiday because during holidays there's band.

But of course, what am I thinking. Tch. Holidays? If I'm dreaming, than yes.

This feels like a nightmare. I just kept on wishing weekends will come during weekdays and wish that weekends won't end during weekends.


Another thing, 3C3 is so not bonded. And, I can't imagine it being bonded. I really can't. I mean, it's normal that everyone is still awkward, we don't have campfire like Sec 1. But, it's just...weird. I just don't feel that I can be close to anyone in there like how I'm close with Jia Wei, Li Wei and Gladys. And, I can't imagine making BEST FRIENDS there. It's just...far away and never within my reach.

Even Zhen Hui is a different person. She changed. I changed. We've all changed. I don't know, I really don't know. I wish I can do something I like now.

This is one of the rare times I feel that school is totally useless. Waste of time. Stopping us from pursuing what we want. Of course, it differs for everyone, depending on what exactly do you want in future.

I want to sleep. And dream. Only than, I don't need to be in the real world and face reality.

Y 2:44 AM

Stupid Physics.

I've been stuck at Physics homework for HOURS! -.- (Of course it includes slacking...a "little" 8D)


No homework should take so long. Let alone the homework on the first chapter of Physics.

But the thing is, I seriously, literally, really don't understand it. To make it worse, I have the annoying LWK as my Physcis teacher. Anyone but HIM!!! =.=

I guess I'm still not in the school mood. I'm still half holiday-ing and just can't accept the fact that 1 week of school is over soon.


Can you believe it? :/

From next week onwards, everything will start to get serious. No more playing around, no more introduction time, no more lenient time.


And I do wonder why does 48 hours feel like 4.8 hours while 120 hours feels like 1200 hours.

It's so annoying. Why can't they divide the week equally? Like, 3 days rest, 3 days work and the left over day is half day???

Okay, back to work. :(

Saturday, January 8, 2011 Y 7:15 AM

Well~~~ I just took a Personality test and it's pretty interesting to read :) Actually I took it before when I was Sec 1 but I knew most of the asnwers, I was lying to myself which is totally ridiculous. It feels like I'm trying to lie about me to myself -.-

So, I had this urge to do it again.

And I did it xD

And guess what? The results are totally different.

I'm a INFP (Dreamer) and that's what they say which I find it true:

- life is a journey to understand themselves and the world

- INFPs value authenticity, acceptance, and the search for meaning in life in both the ordinary events of life and the grand scheme of the universe.

- One source of sustenance for INFPs are those small, genuine gestures from the heart, be they from loved ones or strangers. (this is totally true)

- They are generally good at understanding others.

- They prefer to talk about feelings: not momentary emotional states but the personal values on which the feeling function operates. (agree)

- INFPs often place a high value on harmony, and avoid conflict unless confrontation becomes necessary

- INFPs do not measure life in terms of the number of friends and acquaintances they have but rather by the quality of their friendships. For INFPs, the distinction between friends and acquaintances is very important; an acquaintance is someone they spend time with while a friend is someone with whom an INFP can share ideas and feelings. Their most valuable friends are people who understand their important values and accept them unconditionally. (I wanted to cut this but the whole paragraph makes sense so yeah)

An INFP's feelings are often guarded, kept safe from attack and ridicule. Only a few, close confidants are permitted entrance into this domain. (Very true)

- INFP's look at humanity at both the individual (human-to-human) and societal levels. One common discouragement for INFP's is that societal change often seems impossible. When INFPs become discouraged, they may need some time and space to rediscover their values and a sense of inner peace. The conflict between their ideal world and "reality", as they see it can cause depression or withdrawal from the world unless they have people that support them in their projects.

Okay the last one, I'm don't really get it but I get it. So, I just put it here ^ xD

- They can see something positive in everyone.

Okay I shall continue tomorrow. There's still lots of things to see xD It's kinda interesting for me to learn more about me, since I don't exactly know how I am you know xD

Ah well~~~ Time to sleep~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Y 6:29 AM

Okay, this is weird.

But I'm feeling unusually tired today at 10.45pm, the time when I was suppose to surf internet with enthu~~~

BUT NO!!! I'M NOT!!! *sleepy*

I still haven't got out of the I-am-Sec-2-and-I'm-still-having-a-holiday mood. I'm SERIOUS. I almost reacted when Mrs Chua ask Sec 2s to play. =.= And when she ask Sec 3s, I was pretty much in a short, short daze before it registered in my mind.

But no~ It's STILL NOT registered.

I'm a Sec 3.
My class is now 3C3.
I'm not in 2G3 anymore.

Yeah. No, it'll take some time :(

Today was not bad, since it was a total slack day with totally NO lessons at all~~~ But well...about making NEW FRIENDS...It was quite a problem, considering that I don't exactly LIKE talking too much about myself :/ And I'm worried.

Tomorrow, when I go home, who am I going to go home with? WHERE am I going to find classmates to go home with me, like take train? :( Yeah..I'm not staying back to help because I have something on later -.- But at least I helped Sheryl buy the souvenirs :D Got contribution lah~

SO, I shall TRYYY and make friends tomorrow. Going home ones. And going home is also a form of bonding from my past 2 years of experience ^^

But C3 is QUITE freaky, what with all those smarty pants and people who apparently know each other. I, technically, only have dear Alicia. Sigh. Loner.

How am I going to pull people to join Limelight zzzzz -.- "'

But I HOPE things will go well soon :/

Did I mention, I was placed RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CLASS? Like whether vertically or horizontally from the wall, I'm RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. And worse still, no one is sitting in front on me (because we changed our sitting arrangement to a pretty weird form). So, when the teacher walks around, I'll be the first person he/she spot. And the MOST ANNOYING THING IS, when they walk up RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, the usual spot where teachers stand, I'll either choose

1) Look up at them and make my neck sore
2) Or look straightforward but look rude

So, I'll just mix both up~~~ Ah well~~~

This is pretty much everything. And tomorrow is gonna suck. It's TRIPLE SCIENCE DAY. Yay. =.=


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Sherlene Low
8 Nov 1996(don't forget my prezzies xD)
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