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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Y 3:20 AM

Okay!!! I'm back :D
Gosh, I seriously miss this blog :)
I went to read on my previous post and well...
It seriously seem a little funny to me xD
Like when I first created this blog, in Sec 1, my posts were all so colourful and full of short forms xD SO DIFFERENT FROM NOW!!!!
I wouldn't say I'm mature, but my post seem to be more...readable now hehehehe xD
I don't know...but those are my childhood (okay, maybe not so childhood) memories. It's interesting :) Seeing how people were just 2 years back.
2 years isn't a long time, is it?
But just within this short period of time, everyone changed.
Relationships changed.
Attitudes changed.
People changed.
I guess it's like that.
Nothing last forever.
Humans, things, the world, is changing every minute.
I should learn how to live.
I can't blame myself for who I am.
I am a Scorpio, and it tells everything about me.
I can't help that I'm shy.
I can't help it that I'm so inwards.
I can't help it when people misunderstand me just because they don't understand me well enough.
I don't go around showing people how am I like.
Neither do I actually "shout" in their face how I'm like.
It's just me.
Live with it.

Monday, July 4, 2011 Y 2:37 AM

I really don't know what to do.
I want to dream.
But I don't dare to.
I want it to happen.
But it's not happening.
Right, why will miracle happen to me.
I'm so confused now.
What should I do?
My heart is telling me I really want.
But is this just what my mind have been hypnotising my heart to say that it is really what I want?
Even if it is really what I want, in what way am I gonna get it?
I feel so confused.
I just need a wish now.
Everything will be solved isn't it?

Thursday, June 23, 2011 Y 8:07 AM

Heyy peeps!!!
It has been a long long time since I've updated this blog...~~~
Okay, I'm probably talking to myself anyway xD
But just in case anyone randomly clicks on this, I'll just mention that
Yeah, okay I really don't know.
I'll be posting MOST of my posts there.
But sometimes I might come back here :)
So yeah, I really don't know.
But currently I'll just say, I have to blogs, since Blogger is a little sot sot already~
Okay, nothing much about my life.
Most probably typed in livejournal anyways~
So long :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011 Y 7:34 AM

I've changed some of the songs in my playlist :)


Sadly, I'll be missing their comeback on Music Bank tomorrow thanks to the stupid Chinese Fortnight thing.

So annoying =.=

And the most annoying thing is, I've nowhere to go.
So sian.
It's like, neither here nor there.


Let me fall sick tomorrow~~~~ *prays badly*

Totally fell in love with F.T Island's new Hello Hello MV.
It's pretty interesting.
It took me quite a while to understand.
But it's awesome :)
Hong Ki is awesomeeee~~~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Y 8:12 AM

Kay, while waiting for my drama to load...I shall talk about my life.

So, I really think I should create livejournal :) Even Gladys talks about it...(quite long time ago)

Yeah, today is Vesak Day!

Luckily there's a holiday, I really can't survive another day of school. It sucks big time. What with 3hrs straight of make-me-sleep english debate + make-me-wanna-die chinese debate and already-killed-me MUN, HOW IS POST EXAM COUNTED RELAXING??!?!

Why can't they just let us LIVE for a few days before I get condemned for my results?! =.=

But anyways, back to my life story. Today.

Got forced to wake up by my mum because she knows I am going out today. If she didn't wake me up, I think I'll just sleep all the way xD
Met Jia Wei at Bugis~ Oh, we were suppose to meet at Redhill but she didn't get into the train =.= so in the end, we just meet at Bugis.
Went to Bugis Street and IT.WAS.AWESOME!!! And crowded...but it is fine :) There was SOOO many things there! The shoes are nice, the clothes are not bad and there are bags


Yeah, I bought the tights I wanted and a shirt over there~ (which I realised I need to slim down alot in order to look nice in this two =.=)

We walked around a while and then went for lunch at Bugis Junction. Pepper Lunch + Milo Dinosaur <3 Oh but as usual, clumsy me spills stuff over my shirt and now there is milo stain on it =.= worse thing, I was wearing totally white :/

After stuffing ourselves with food, we walked around Bugis Junction...okay, actually, not really walked around. We simply went 77th street AND THERE WERE SOOOO MANY THINGS THERE I WANTED!!! :( I bought something there, but I really wanted something else too (but I didn't have enough $$$) So, I convinced my dearest mum to go Bugis with me on Sat.

Why did I do that?

1) She can help me pay :)
2) I want to go with her to Bugis street so that she can buy her stuff
3) She can help me bargain in Bugis street (my mum is totally awesome when she bargains! :D)


that salesperson attending to me in 77th street was so... (inputs bad word) ... She got so irritated when I didn't even want her there =.= she could have just left me there you know. Just because I was in a dilemma of what to buy and she got irritated. I should have just walked off right and it'll be TOO BAD for her. This type of person =.= Don't want to serve customers then GO AWAY LAH =.= *Curses her to get sacked tomorrow 8D* okay, that's so evil. But nvm~ :)

Yeah, so I really got so pissed with her. I hate it when people tries to influence my decision and make me start swaying or chasing me to make a decision when I'm thinking. I really hate that.

Which is why I get so annoyed with me sis.

After that, Jia Wei came to my house and Li Wei arrived later~~~
To be honest, it was kinda boring because there was nothing much to do~ But since Jia Wei suggeted to come, it was her choice anyway~

Ohh I bought a shirt as present for li wei and she didn't even seem to like it.
Seriously, is this why I am not THAT close to her???


tomorrow is MUN. tomorrow is debate.

Please let me fall sick. :(

Sunday, May 15, 2011 Y 5:31 AM

*Strictly censored for fangirling*

(But my fangirling isn't that bad~)

Kyaa Jae jin <3 :D


Y 5:14 AM

Kay now, I'm obviously on a drama craze.

I'm watching 4 dramas at one time :)
See how much Sec 3 life deprived me of my dramas O:

Kayy let me introduce my dramas~~ :D

1st drama:
Name: Dream High
Status: Have not watched
Why: Okay, I heard that this is nice by my classmate while we were discussing about dramas during English debate~~~ Plus in here have some famous people like IU~~ And I think the story plot is pretty interesting too so yeah~

2nd drama:
Name: 西厢奇缘 Lost In The Chamber of Love
Status: Watched one episode

Why: I've wanted to watch this show since a very very long time ago but I can't seem to find it on internet. And currently I can only find one episode :/ I wanted to rent it but that stupid shop say they need my IC which I don't have so it's like =.= But I think it's pretty interesting because I like all 4 main characters :D

3rd drama:
Name: Unstoppable Marriage
Status: Ongoing

Why: Okay, I'm pretty pissed at this show. It's quite long ago too but IT'S NOT ON THE INTERNET OR IN SHOPS!!! Grrr :( Feel damn sad. I even resorted to buying it BUT I CAN'T EVEN FIND IT IN SHOPS =.= And internet only provides 11 ep of eng subbed ones. Luckily Tudou provides 104 eps which is subbed in chinese (better then nothing) but this still means that I'll have to stop halfway. Sigh D: Hopefully by that time it'll be findable~ Oh yeahh, reason I watch it...OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE JAEJIN IS INSIDE~~That's the main reason, but the other reason is because it's really funny xD I hardly watch korean dramas unless it's funny or there is people I know inside~


4th drama:
Name: Muscle Girl!
Status: Ongoing + Waiting

Why: Yeah, this is a really new drama. It's still showing in Japan/Korea now so have to wait for the people to segment it and upload it + sub it in English. Gosh this show is really nice :) Especially because Hong Ki is inside (yeah, thats the main reason) but this show is also like, family, love and comedy so it's nice :))



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Sherlene Low
8 Nov 1996(don't forget my prezzies xD)
CGSSB Trumpeter
Agent Spit Spit

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♥ Swimming
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♥ F.T Island & Hong Ki ^^ ♥ SHINee (Taemin bias though)


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